Saturday, March 5, 2016

The TV Sidekick Blogathon Is Here!

Welcome to the blogathon that pays tribute to the individuals that made the stars look good!

Please join us in celebrating many of the best sidekicks to grace the screens of classic television. Over the next three days, the outstanding bloggers below will write about sidekicks that include superheroes, martial artists, animals, detectives, elves, sportscasters, and even a car.

As you visit these wonderful posts, we encourage you to share your thoughts on classic TV sidekicks by leaving a comment. Here's the publication schedule:

Sunday, March 6


  1. No biggie, but it is Richie not Rickie Brockelman. I'm so picky I annoy myself.

  2. I love this blog idea! Thanks to all who participated!

  3. This turned out fantastic! Thanks for organizing this. And, congrats to Lisa from The Flaming Nose for getting a response from her TV sidekick Don Most (Ralph Malph).

  4. Aw man, I missed this!! I started a TV blog a few months ago and keep hoping to come across a blogathon to help get it out there -
