Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trivia Time Part Eight : The Answers.
Good work Rick(see I can admit it) ShariLee, and Gilby. Here are the answers to those you missed.
#3. The station was KABC Channel 7 in LA.
#4. Soupy's Network show was on Friday night on ABC.
#7. Brain Buster #3 Composers who have had their work "removed" a short list includes: Elmer Bernstein, Randy Newman, Thomas Newman, John Barry, George Delerue , Hanns Zimmer, Maurice Jarre, James Horner, and Jerry Goldsmith
Rick just remember your free pass is NOW OVER. Good Luck this month.
31 Days of Halloween: The Good Doctors Get Their Just Desserts in The Abominable Dr. Phibes

Friday, October 30, 2009
31 Days of Halloween: What Lies in the Shadows in The 7th Victim?

Well known producer Val Lewton was hired by RKO Pictures to produce low budget horror films with titles provided by the studio. When the first film, Cat People (1942), proved a hit, Lewton was allowed much control over the pictures. He insisted that the directors cover many scenes in shadows and imply the impending horror, like the attacks in Jacques Tourneur's Leopard Man (1943). But whether or not there was a monster or a physical evil, Lewton's movies all contained a somber ambience and a sense of doom lurking in the dark.

Mary does learn about what has happened to her sister, but it is best to watch the film knowing as little as possible. It is a movie which thrives on fear of the unknown, and Mark Robson handles the directing reins wonderfully. With Lewton as producer, he also directed The Ghost Ship (1943), Isle of the Dead (1945) and Bedlam (1946), the latter two starring Boris Karloff. Kim Hunter, in her film debut, gives a strong showing as Mary. Hunter would later earn an Academy Award as Best Supporting Actress for her role as Stella in A Streetcar Named Desire (1951).
Thursday, October 29, 2009
31 Days of Halloween: Gargoyles Take Flight in an Offbeat 1972 Made-for-TV Film

Set in Mexico, Gargoyles gets off to a slow start, with anthropologist Dr. Mercer Boley (Cornel Wilde) and his daughter Diana (Jennifer Salt from Sisters) visiting an isolated, rundown tourist trap called Uncle Willie's Desert Museum. The skeptical Boley thinks it's a trick when Uncle Willie (Woody Chambliss) shows him the skeleton of a gargoyle, but he's intrigued enough to listen to the old man. Willie tells Boley and Diana about the folklore surrounding Devil's Crossing, an area of mountain caves where strange creatures were believed to live. As night falls and the winds howl, the three humans hear the sound of flapping wings. Something lands on the roof of Willie's shack and a claw tears through the thin aluminum. The shack suddenly caves in on Willie and catches fire. Boley and Diana abandon the old-timer and escape with a gargoyle skull.
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Jennifer Salt as Diana. |
After another winged creature attacks them on the road, the father and daughter seek safety in a nearby town where they check into the Cactus Motel. The following night, the gargoyles steal the skull, but during their escape, one of the them is struck by a speeding truck. Boley takes the gargoyle corpse back to his motel room and makes immediate plans to transport it to Los Angeles. However, a short time later, the gargoyles return with reinforcements. They knock Boley unconscious, recover the dead gargoyle—and kidnap Diana. Boley’s attempt to rescue his daughter results in an offbeat ending for broadcast television of that era (but I'll leave it at that).
Bernie Casey gives an intelligent performance as the head gargoyle. He exudes menace and generates a surprising amount of sexual tension, especially in a scene in which he kneels over an unconscious Diana and fondles her face and hair. The Emmy-winning Stan Winston make-up is marvelous, complete with wings, horns, a pointy chin, white eyes, and vampiric fangs. Sadly, the supporting gargoyles don't look as good as their leader, undoubtedly the result of a low budget.
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Cornel Wilde and Jennifer Salt. |
I first saw Gargoyles on the CBS Tuesday Night Movie in 1972. It struck me as refreshingly different from the majority of made-for-TV movies. That distinction has only increased over the years—and so has my affection for the film (despite its obvious flaws). I fear, though, that I may be in the minority. That said, I am lucky enough to have family members (especially my wife) who willingly watch it with me because they know I enjoy it. A Gargoyles fan couldn't ask for more!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
31 Days of Halloween: Rosemary's Baby

In the tradition of Hitchcock, Polanski achieves his effects with little overt violence and gore but much finesse. Like Hitchcock, Polanski masterfully commandeers the emotions of his audience. Drawn into Rosemary's point of view and her growing alarm, the viewer becomes increasingly aware that something is very wrong but, like Rosemary, doesn't grasp exactly what has happened until the final scenes.
This suspense is propelled by a deliberate ambiguity that implies Rosemary's fright may have a rational explanation (women do have difficult pregnancies), that her fears may be paranoia-based (though related to an infamous Satanist, her neighbors could just be a pair of elderly oddballs). On the other hand, the storyline and action are such that the viewer has difficulty simply writing off Rosemary's anguish to imagination and coincidence. Equally ambiguous throughout much of the film are the majority of the characters. While Rosemary remains constant as the naive young wife, those around her are more enigmatic - from her ambitious actor husband and her intrusive neighbors to her wise and kindly old doctor. Cleverly, several of the most villainous characters are also the most comically eccentric.

Another of the film's delights is its painstaking recreation of the time in which it was set, late 1965 to mid-1966. Costume designer Anthea Sylbert precisely captured that timeframe's contemporary look with Rosemary's short shift dresses (some with peter pan collars), a long and luxurious plaid skirt, red chiffon lounging pajamas. Rosemary has her blunt-cut pageboy snipped short by Vidal Sassoon, she relaxes at home reading Sammy Davis, Jr.'s book Yes, I Can, the Pope's visit to New York is glimpsed on TV, and Time Magazine's famous "Is God Dead?" cover is shown on a waiting room table.
The hand-picked supporting cast includes especially solid performances by Patsy Kelly and Ralph Bellamy. Uncredited but in an acknowledged key role is The Dakota, a famed gothic confection at 72nd and Central Park West. The Dakota starred as the Bramford, and exteriors were shot there. Because filming was not allowed inside, its interiors were recreated at Paramount. Significantly, the film begins and ends with aerial views of the building.
Roman Polanski deftly combined the trademark elements of his style (atmospheric location, psychological distress, irony, dark humor, an endangered and isolated protagonist), his penchant for meticulous craftsmanship and the high gloss afforded by Hollywood to create a masterpiece that has developed a legend all its own over the years...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Cafe du Cinema Society Discusses Carol Reed's The Third Man

Do you agree with Peary on the film's major theme? What was your assessment of The Third Man?
A Different Kind of Super Man in "The Power"
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The poster makes it look like a horror film. |
The most obvious suspects are the committee members: chairman Jim Tanner (George Hamilton); geneticist Margery Lansing (Suzanne Pleshette), who has a romantic relationship with Tanner; physicist Carl Melniker (Nehemiah Persoff); biologist Talbot “Scotty” Scott (Earl Holliman); N. E. Van Zandt (Richard Carlson); and Arthur Nordlund (Michael Rennie), a government V.I.P. who attended the fateful meeting.

As a mystery, The Power seems to draw its inspiration from Agatha Christie's classic mystery novel And Then There None. In Christie's book, potential murder suspects are eliminated when they are killed one by one. The murderer hides his identity through a simple, but ingenious, trick. Both plot devices are employed in The Power, though to reveal precisely how would spoil the fun for first-time viewers. Suffice to say that John Gay's script plays fair with the audience and the outcome should come as no surprise to the discerning viewer.
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Hamilton with Suzanne Pleshette. |
Film critic Pauline Kael found The Power “lacklustre,” while sci fi reference book writer John Baxter hailed it as “one of the finest of all science fiction films.” Can they be talking about the same movie? They are, of course. While most critics tend to agree with Kael’s assessment, there are also those of us who admire The Power for its fascinating premise and unusual plot (which mixes mystery with science fiction).
This Week's Poll: What's your favorite Jerry Goldsmith score?
#1. "The Invaders" episode from The Twilight Zone.
#2. The Blue Max.
#3. The Omen (Jerry's only Oscar winning score).
#4. In Harm's Way.
#5. The Wind And The Lion.
#6. Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
#7. Chinatown.
#8. Planet of the Apes.
#9. The Sand Pebbles (Steve McQueen's only Best Actor nomination).
#10. Alien.
#11. Patton.
31 Days of Halloween: We are the Martians in "Quatermass and the Pit"

Kneale’s screenplay has construction workers uncovering the ancient skulls of “ape men” while working in a deserted underground subway station in the Hobbs End area of London. Dr. Mathew Roney (James Donald) dates the ape men’s remains as five million years old, making them the earliest known ancestors of humans. Roney’s work comes to a sharp halt, though, when his excavations unearth a large metallic-like object in the rock. Is it a bomb? A spacecraft? And what does it have to do with stories of former Hobbs End residents claiming to have heard odd noises and experienced visions of “hideous dwarfs”?
To divulge more of the plot wouldn’t be fair to first-time viewers. I will say that, having watched Quatermass and the Pit again recently, I found myself marveling at the ingenuity of Kneale’s premise. To not give away too much, he finds a way to explain magic through the use of science…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The cast is top-notch and Keir is easily the big screen’s best Quatermass (though John Mills is very good in The Quatermass Conclusion, a truncated version of the final TV series). Keir gets excellent support, though, from James Donald, Barbara Shelley, and Julian Glover (as an Army officer who must rationalize what his mind cannot grasp). It’s refreshing to see Shelley’s scientist avoid the usual sci fi female stereotype (i.e., not have an active role in the plot). Indeed, it is Shelley’s character that gets the best—and most quotable—line in the film.
Rarely shown today, Quatermass and the Pit (also known as Five Million Years to Earth) may have few fans, but they are staunch ones. If you count yourself among them, please leave a comment. And, for the record, Kneale picked the name Quatermass by opening the London phone book and randomly placing his finger on a page!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Trivia Time - Part 8
#1. Name in order all the ladies that played "Mom"' on Lassie.
#2. The Late Soupy Sales had first first local show in what city?
#3. When he moved the show to LA what local station was it on?
#4. His "network "show from LA was on what night? Name the network.
#5. Brain Buster #1. Jerry Goldsmith had one of his favorite scores removed from this film. Name the film and the director.
#6. Brain Buster # 2 The late composer Vic Muzzy wrote the themes for "Green Acres" and The Adams Family". Because the productors of " The Adams Family" were so cheap, it forced Vic to have to do what with the theme?
#7. Brain Buster #3.Name as many as you can other composers who had their "scores removed".
31 Days of Halloween: 'Tis the Season to be Frightened in Bob Clark's Black Christmas

Bob Clark’s classic 1974 slasher, Black Christmas, follows a sorority house preparing for the upcoming holiday season. Jess (Olivia Hussey) has recently learned that she is pregnant with her boyfriend’s child. Her boyfriend, Peter (Keir Dullea), is clearly upset over her decision to have an abortion. But her shady and possibly unstable boyfriend is only the beginning of her problems. One of the sorority sisters has gone missing, and the girls are continually receiving strange phone calls from someone with an eerie voice. And guess from where the calls are originating?
Canadian filmmaker Clark, who also helmed the popular teen comedy, Porky’s (1982), and the yuletide favorite, A Christmas Story (1983), directs a film with style and wickedly dark humor. He keeps the murderous stranger hidden throughout most of the film, and it’s even difficult to decipher the character’s gender, especially when the voice on the phone is so vague (on at least one occasion sounding almost like two people). As the phone calls continue, the caller becomes increasingly more agitated and threatening. Clark heightens the terror by simply having the phone ring. The director's bits of comic relief -- including a goofy cop working the front desk at the police station -- are welcome within an otherwise intense movie.
One way in which Clark retains suspense is presenting the killer’s point-of-view (POV). In French filmmaker Françoise Truffaut's book on Alfred Hitchcock, the British auteur essentially defined "suspense" by contrasting it with "surprise." His example was a bomb suddenly exploding (surprise) vs. the audience fully aware of a ticking bomb during an entire scene before the explosion (suspense). In Black Christmas, Clark uses Hitch's approach to suspense, by showing the audience the killer entering the sorority house almost as soon as the film begins. Throughout the movie, the viewers are repeatedly provided with the killer's POV. Not only does the audience now see the irony in the sisters locking the doors for safety, but it has an exceptionally good reason to be frightened.
Clark even takes the killer's POV one step further. He doesn't just visualize the killer's perspective, but literally has the camera become the eyes of the killer. The audience can even see the killer's hands while ascending toward the attic and pushing open the window. The majority of the stranger's transgressions are presented in this manner. This almost forces the audience to identify with the killer, but also makes viewers feel helpless, having no control over the actions. Four years after Black Christmas, John Carpenter incorporated a similar technique in Halloween, making it immensely popular in horror films.
Hussey is sensational in the lead role with a strong, mature performance, and Dullea is appropriately disturbing as Peter. Margot Kidder (pre-Lois Lane) is surprisingly charming as the rather obnoxious, bad-mouthed Barb, and Andrea Martin (who would become a member of the Canadian sketch comedy show, SCTV, two years later) is equally good as one of the sorority sisters, Phyl. John Saxon rounds out the cast as a local detective. Edmond O’Brien, who starred in a number of films, including D.O.A. (1950) and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), was originally cast in the role that Saxon eventually played but had to drop out due to deteriorating health. He died the same year.
Black Christmas also played in theatres under the title, Silent Night, Evil Night, and was broadcast on television as Stranger in the House.
Glen Morgan and James Wong of The X-Files fame directed a remake in 2006. Interestingly, their version provided a back story for the killer in the attic. Clark’s characterization of the mysterious slasher (and ultimately his film) proved much creepier and more memorable, but Morgan and Wong still managed to churn out some frights with an enjoyable flick. Original cast member Martin appeared in the remake as the housemother.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
This Week's Poll: Who is your favorite character in the original Star Wars trilogy?

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) –Master of the Force, a Jedi general during the Clone Wars who can perform the “Jedi mind trick.” Still pretty good with the light saber. Can make ghostly appearances when needed.
Yoda (Frank Oz) – Little Jedi master; species unknown. Quicker than he looks. Often speaks with nouns before the verbs (e.g., “Stopped they must be”).
Those are your choices. I said it’d be a difficult decision, so may the Force be with you!
31 Days of Halloween: It Is Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

The story starts back in 1693 Salem, Massachusetts, when three witch sisters--Winifred (Bette Midler), Sarah (Sarah Jessica Parker), and Mary (Kathy Najimy)--are hanged after killing Emily to prolong their own lives and turning her brother into Binx, a talking black cat doomed to life of eternity. But just before they die, Winifred's spell book casts a spell to bring the three of them back from the dead (when a virgin lights the Black Flamed Candle).
The story shifts three hundred years later to 1993. Teenager Max (Omri Katz) is having trouble adjusting after recently moving with his family from LA. He gets put down in class and flirted with and then ignored by girl of his dreams Allison (Vinessa Shaw). His wrongdoing in class was not believing the tale of the three legendary witches.
On Halloween, Max, his sister Dani and new friend Allison decide to visit the old dusty cottage of the witches which now has become an broken down museum. Unsuspecting Max, being a virgin, lights the Black Flamed Candle, which rasises the three evil witches from the dead. Max, Allison, and Dani go on a wild and hilarious chase to destroy the Sanderson sisters before it is too late and before the Sanderson sisters can suck the lives out of all the children.
One of my favorite scenes is when Winifred jumps on stage and and performs her song "I Put A Spell On You" which puts a spell on all of the adults ''to dance until they die.'''Another favorite scene is when Sarah flies across Salem, singing a charming but haunting song, putting a spell on the children and luring them towards the cottage. Bette Midler (named after Bette Davis) is wonderful in this fun film with her red hair done up into a scary hairdo, and two little buck teeth.
Sarah Jessica Parker's first important acting role was the 1977-81 Broadway musical Annie— first in a small role and then taking over the lead role of the depression-era orphan, beginning on March 6, 1979. Parker held the role for a year.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
One Good "Thing" Leads to Another

The Thing opens in intriguing fashion with a helicopter chasing—and trying to kill—a lone Husky in the desolate Antarctica snow. The dog runs to the U.S. National Science Institute No. 4, a remote research station. In a bizarre series of events, the helicopter crew is killed and the dog is taken in by the research station’s residents. But this is no ordinary dog. It prowls the station’s corridors stealthily as if stalking its prey. It spies silently on the residents. It’s afraid to join the other dogs, which snarl at the newcomer viciously.
Seeking an explanation for the helicopter crew’s unusual behavior, McCready (Kurt Russell) and Doc (Richard Dysart) trace its origin to a Norwegian research facility. They discover frozen corpses and a strange, partially buried “thing” that could be human. Back at the U.S. station, an alien creature reveals itself for the first time by mutating out from inside the Husky (a fairly gory scene). With the creature’s ability to imitate other life forms established, the film’s premise is finally set into motion.
If the alien can be anyone of the research station’s crew, how can it be stopped? The seriousness of the situation worsens when one of the scientists models the alien’s ability to infect humans. He determines that if the “intruder organism” reaches the general population, it could take over the planet in 27,000 hours from first contact.
The plot is supposed to be closer to John Campbell’s short story "Who Goes There?" than 1951’s The Thing (see Aki's nifty review from earlier this month). But, truth to be told, this is a mystery masquerading as science fiction. A murderer is among a group of people at a remote location—isn’t that the plot of Agatha Christie’s Ten Little Indians? The twist here is that the killer can reveal itself and then hide again by assuming another identity. The film’s best scene is when McCready devises a test for revealing the alien’s identity. This tense setup also recalls the classic mystery climax where the detective calls together all the suspects and unveils the murderer.
Subsequent viewings of The Thing allow one to appreciate its smaller pleasures: Ennio Morricone’s suspenseful electronic score (which has a definite Carpenter sound to it); an open ending that actually works (usually I loathe them); and Kurt Russell’s solid performance (less cartoonish than in Carpenter’s Escape from New York and Big Trouble in Little China).
Still, it’s the remote locale and the “who is it” premise that makes The Thing so entertaining for me. Other films have featured aliens who could take human form (most notably, the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers and cult classic The Hidden)—but this one remains my favorite.
Friday, October 23, 2009
31 Days of Halloween: Yes, It's Murder... But Is It Art? Roger Corman's A Bucket of Blood

The next day, Walter presents to the people at The Yellow Door his first sculpted piece, called Dead Cat. Not surprisingly, the cafe patrons love it, and the busboy is finally given respect. One woman, enamored by Walter and his work, hands him a tiny bottle to take with him. Unfortunately, an undercover cop witnesses what he believes is a drug deal, and he arrives at Walter's place, demanding to know the name of his supplier. Walter's resistance leads the officer to pull his gun, and Walter reacts by swinging a pan at the man's head. The budding artist works this in his favor, creating Murdered Man, which he proudly displays for Lou, the cafe owner, and Carla, the object of Walter's affection. No longer a busboy, Walter is enjoying admiration from others and his flourishing popularity. But it isn't long before people are demanding a new masterpiece from the artist, leaving Walter with few options.
Director Roger Corman is well known for his low-budget B-movies, having helmed such classics as X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963) and, perhaps his most famous, The Little Shop of Horrors (1960), which enjoyed future success as a Broadway musical and a film adaptation in 1986. A Bucket of Blood (1959) is one of his earlier features, and in spite of the budget and time restraints, Corman made a witty and memorable horror movie. Some may categorize A Bucket of Blood as a black comedy, but Corman presents the humor in a gleefully subtle fashion. When one particular woman scoffs at the idea of the busboy sitting at their table and claiming to be an artist, she then offers her services as a model, asking if Walter would like "to do" her. "I just might," he replies. When Lou begins to suspect what Walter is doing, he hears the news vendor calling out the day's headline of a vicious murder, right before Walter produces his latest sculpture. Corman even incorporates a literal interpretation of the title!
Corman specialized in films of low budgets as a director and producer -- he wrote a book entitled How I Made a Hundred Movies in Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime. Many directors who worked with Corman moved on to successful films careers, such as Martin Scorsese, who directed Boxcar Bertha (1972), and Francis Ford Coppola, who made Dementia 13 (1963). Other filmmakers who began by working with Roger Corman include James Cameron, Ron Howard, Jonathan Demme, Peter Bogdanovich and Joe Dante. Jack Nicholson's film debut was the Corman-produced The Cry Baby Killer in 1958. In addition to The Little Shop of Horrors, Nicholson also acted in two other films directed by Corman, The Terror and The Raven (both 1963).
Roger Corman could make films fast and efficiently (hence, the reason he was able to boast about "never losing a dime"). But his movies, whether he directed or produced, do not typically feel like products off an assembly line. There are gifted crew members behind the camera. Corman has proven himself numerous times as a director, but one cannot deny his aptness in the producer's chair as well, with so many of his proteges attaining future success. His films may not be embraced by the mainstream, but the world of cinema would most certainly not be the same without Roger Corman.
A Bucket of Blood was remade in 1995 for the Showtime network, starring Anthony Michael Hall as Walter and Justine Bateman as Carla. It was also co-written and directed by Michael McDonald -- who would later achieve fame on the Fox sketch comedy series, MADtv -- and was subsequently released on video as The Death Artist.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
31 Days of Halloween: "Demon With a Glass Hand" on The Outer Limits
This fascinating episode, penned by science fiction writer Harlan Ellison, was the highlight of season 2 of The Outer Limits (with “The Inheritors” coming in a close second). The story unfolds like a riddle, with Trent’s hand providing clues along the way. Robert Culp is perfect as the puzzled Trent, who plays a puppet to his own hand, acting and reacting without ever knowing the complete goal.
The episode benefits considerably from its setting and photography. The Bradbury Building in Los Angeles (where parts of Blade Runner were also filmed) provides a vast interior, where shadows lurk down every corridor and one never knows what lies behind an office door. The expressionistic photography (always an Outer Limits trademark) enhances the setting with unusual angles and deeply textured lighting.
The only flaw is an unexpected relationship that sets the stage for an effective ending, but otherwise comes across as forced and unlikely. Still, that’s a minor complaint against an otherwise original, well-crafted tale.
You may note some similarities between this story and a famous film series. I won’t divulge the famous film here (because it gives away a plot twist), but Ellison did sue the film’s producers and settled out of court.
In Memoriam: Joseph Wiseman - Dr. No said "yes" to Televison

Wiseman also had an impressive Broadway career, originating roles in such dramas as Detective Story, Incident at Vichy, and In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer, portraying the controversial member of the scientific team responsible for the creation of the atomic bomb.
Joseph Wiseman's career spanned five decades with appearances in films, television and stage, with an admirable list of credits as guest star in some of the most popular TV series of the last 50 years. At the time of his death, he was the last surviving villain of the Sean Connery era of James Bond films.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
31 Days of Halloween (Bonus 2nd Feature!): The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas

The always wonderful Peter Cushing stars as Dr. Rollasan, a British botanist sent to Tibet to study rare plants. Cushing’s mere presence lends dignity to the story of a creature with which his interests really lie, what the Tibetans call the Yeti. Neither beast nor man, the legend of the Yeti says that they live in the high frozen Himalayan mountains. Huge footsteps are the only evidence ever seen by man. Dr. Rollasan believes that the Yeti may be a third branch of the great evolutionary split between ape and man. He wants to find the Yeti for his own knowledge and for the sake of science.
The great Himalayans are like a living entity in this film. The film makers used the Pyrenees mountains in France during winter to double for the long shots of the mountain range. The overwhelming vastness of the Himalayans is captured cleverly by cinematographer Arthur Grant, as well as the art and set directors, smoothly blending the real location shots with some of the most realistic studio sets I’ve ever seen. We are inexorably drawn into the feeling of howling winds, cold, exhaustion and fear of the climbing group led by Dr. Rollasan.
The other members of the expedition have their own unique reasons for searching for the Yeti. Forrest Tucker is excellent as Tom Friend, a domineering carnival barker-type of man whose interest in the Yeti is far from scientific. We watch Friend evolve during the film from bullying greed to fear to an acceptance of destiny. Tucker’s performance stands strongly beside Cushing’s always outstanding acting. Ed Shelley, played by Robert Brown, is Tom Friend’s companion, whose talents are specific to Friend’s intentions. Scottish actor Michael Brill is McNee, whose fearful search for the Yeti is a personal quest. In the course of the expedition, each man finds himself faced with the deepest, sometimes primitive, parts of his psyche.
The supporting case complements the story beautifully, with special mention for Arnold Marle as the High Lama of the Buddhist lamasery from which the expedition commences. He is mysterious, cunning, other-worldly, possessed with strange powers of knowledge.
Director Val Guest makes the most of a small budget and delivers a movie that is poetic in nature and haunting in style. When you meet the Yeti, it will not be in a way you might expect. I have never forgotten it, and I suspect you won’t either.
31 Days of Halloween: The Tall Man - Just Another Working Stiff in Don Coscarelli's Phantasm

Jody Pearson (Bill Thornbury) has been caring for his little brother, Mike (A. Michael Baldwin), since their parents have died. Mike has an overwhelming fear that his brother will leave him, and he follows Jody wherever he goes, even to the funeral of Jody's friend, Tommy. Watching with binoculars, Mike is soon skeptical of the strange, lanky man (Angus Scrimm) who runs the Morningside Funeral Parlor. His distrust is based on observing the man lifting the casket -- by himself -- and placing it back inside the hearse after the funeral.
When Jody picks up a young lady at a bar, Mike trails the both of them to the Morningside Cemetery. Hiding in the nearby trees, Mike hears curious noises and is suddenly chased by what appears to be a dwarf adorned in a brown cloak (he describes it as being "little and brown and low to the ground"). Jody has trouble believing his little brother, even when Mike claims that he is attacked a second time while in the garage working on Jody's car (an achingly beautiful 1971 Plymouth 'Cuda). Determined to uncover the mystery at the funeral home, Mike sneaks in at night and has chilling encounters with The Tall Man, the pint-sized henchmen, and a floating silver sphere that... well, let's just say that it's best to run from it. It isn't long before Jody and his pal, Reggie (Reggie Bannister), join Mike to put a stop to The Tall Man's evil doings.

The director followed this successful movie with The Beastmaster (1982), which, like Phantasm, has gradually become a cult film. Coscarelli also wrote and directed three sequels, Phantasm II (1988), Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead (1994) and Phantasm IV: Oblivion (1998). In 2002, Coscarelli released Bubba Ho-tep, yet another of his movies to achieve a cult following -- and with Bruce Campbell of The Evil Dead (1981) fame starring as a still-living Elvis Presley in a retirement home and battling a mummy alongside Ossie Davis, who claims to be JFK, a cult status is not surprising.
Cafe du Cinema Society Film of the Month: The Third Man (1949)

In the meantime, if you've just got to hear some zither music right now, click on The Third Man trailer in the green sidebar.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
31 Days of Halloween: Peter Cushing at His Very Best in Frankenstein Must be Destroyed

When struggling movie studio Hammer Film Productions released The Curse of Frankenstein in 1957, it was rewarded with huge success and, not surprisingly, decided to focus on vibrant, gothic horror films. Equally as expected, Hammer began reviving other Universal classics, releasing Horror of Dracula (titled Dracula in the U.K.) the following year and The Mummy in 1959. Sequels to The Curse of Frankenstein were inevitable, and the evolution of the Frankenstein character, admirably portrayed by Peter Cushing, is fascinating. In Mary Shelley's original novel, Victor Frankenstein was a misunderstood genius, while his creation was a sympathetic being. Many adaptations, including James Whale's 1931 classic, have defined the characters similarly. In the Hammer series, Frankenstein begins as a determined, heartless man (Curse), then becomes more of a compassionate man in The Revenge of Frankenstein (1959), a romantic hero in The Evil of Frankenstein (1964), and something of a father figure in Frankenstein Created Woman (1967). By The Horror of Frankenstein (1970), he was a sexy leading man (this time played by Ralph Bates in lieu of Cushing), and in the final film of the series, Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974), he was a shadow of a man, devoid of any emotion.

Cushing was an outstanding and versatile actor, and Frankenstein Must be Destroyed is undeniably one of his very finest performances. His natural delivery and astonishing presence add charm to his villain. In one excellent sequence, Frankenstein convinces a woman that her missing husband is perfectly fine and that Frankenstein will do all he can to help her. Viewers have no discernible reason to trust in what the man is saying, but it is difficult not to believe Frankenstein, as Cushing plays the scene in such a wonderfully soothing manner. The actor is aided by terrific dialogue, including this small exchange between Karl and Frankenstein:
"I thought the world had seen the last of you."
"So did a lot of other people."

The only flaw in an otherwise distinguished film is a rape scene, Frankenstein committing the horrible act upon Anna. Hammer exec James Carreras reportedly stopped by the set during filming and insisted the scene be added, against the objections of the director and the two actors involved. The sequence is not only vulgar, but it also makes little sense, that a man fully dedicated to his wicked craft would suddenly have a compulsion so contradictory in character. Although the scene was reputedly meant to appeal to American audiences, it was excised from the original U.S. version and most video releases.
Hammer Film Productions released many extraordinary and memorable films. The Frankenstein movies formed a particularly strong series, and Frankenstein Must be Destroyed is not only one of the best, it's also indicative of Hammer's strongest work. A splendid director and actors within a sophisticated period piece. Throw in some blood in glorious color, and you've got prime choice Hammer!
Monday, October 19, 2009
31 Days of Halloween: The Twilight Zone's "The Invaders"

How does it end? I won't tell you. Does it work? I think so. You can see for yourself at classic TV shows, Twilight Zone season 2.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This Week's Poll: Who would you choose as your partner if you were John Steed?
This week, we ask who would be your ultimate partner if you were John Steed?
Cathy Gale

Emma Peel: Quick witted and highly talented genius. She is knowledgeable in everything from chemistry and most sciences to math and the arts. An accomplished fencer and master at martial arts, she is highly adept at undercover work.

Tara King: While young and inexperienced, she is level headed and resourceful. Having just finished training as an operative, she is lacking in field experience, but is quite spunky and clever with disguises and undercover work.

Purdey: Former ballerina with the Royal Ballet, she can go from high kicks to roaring off on her motorcycle. She is a smart and highly resourceful martial arts expert. Seeing as she is named after the British gunsmiths Purdey & Sons, she is also an expert at firearms. She is a fully trained and highly capable operative with British Intelligence.

Mike Gambit: A highly trained operative with British Intelligence, this former military man is always armed for combat. He is also an expert at hand to hand fighting and can nearly dodge a bullet using his hands. Suave and something of a ladies man, but cares deeply for Purdey.