His Bay City hotel is overflowing with traveling salespeople (it's Market Week) and attractive women who keep distracting Frank. He goes to several nightclubs his first night, drinks a lot of bourbon, and wakes up feeling unusually nauseous. When he visits a physician, the doctor informs him that he has ingested luminous poison, which has already been absorbed into his system. There's no antidote. He could die within 24 hours--he will die within a week. Frank spends his final days trying to figure out who killed him and why.
The rest of the film unravels in a convoluted fashion as Frank encounters crooked businessmen, violent thugs, and treacherous women. Ironically, the questions that drive Frank--the mysteries of who and why--become secondary to the film's colorful characters and atmospheric locations.
O'Brien gives a believable performance in the lead role, but he gets upstaged by the secondary villains. These memorable heavies include Luther Adler as the polite Hispanic gangster Majak, Neville Brand as his homicidal henchman Chester, and Laurette Luez as a beautiful, but tough-minded, Majak accomplice. When Frank treats her roughly for not answering his questions, she snarls back: "If I were a man, I'd punch your dirty face in."
Chester, on the other hand, prefers to punch Frank in the stomach. When Frank winces from pain caused by the poison, Chester chides him about being "soft in the belly." Majak shows his sensitive side when he orders Chester to leave Frank alone and privately explains about Chester: "That unfortunate boy--he's psychopathic. He's not happy unless he gives pain. He likes to see blood."
Director Rudolph Mate makes effective use of the San Francisco and Los Angeles settings. He stages imaginative chases through a deserted factory and a busy drugstore--a thrilling set piece which climaxes in an unexpected shootout. Overall, though, he fails to recapture the level of excitement generated by the opening scene. The screenplay certainly deserves some of the blame. The mystery angle, involving stolen goods and a missing bill of sale, doesn't work well in D.O.A. The film also lacks suspense, in a traditional sense, because there's no doubt that the protagonist will die.
Aside from the premise, the most interesting aspect of the script lies in its moral depiction of Frank. Although Paula clings to Frank, she truly loves him. Frank thinks he may love her, too, but he want s to sow some wild oats before settling down. Once in San Francisco, he ogles all the women at the hotel. He dances the rhumba with an attractive woman across the hall. He even tries to pick up a stranger in the nightclub where he's poisoned. Ultimately, he remains faithful to Paula. However, his death is an indirect result of his impure thoughts. His San Francisco trip and his pursuit of other women give the killer an opportunity to poison him discreetly--an opportunity which would not have presented itself had Frank stayed with Paula in the first place.
The two official remakes, Color Me Dead (1969) and D.O.A. (1988), jettisoned the moral context for a more conventional approach. They actually functioned better as mysteries, but they lacked the interesting characters, dark urban settings, and the originality (of course) that distinguished the 1950 version.
The Friday Night Late Movie is a weekly film review that focuses on the kinds of films (and occasional TV shows) that used to pop up on the late show...on Friday nights. I fondly recall watching The CBS Late Movie in the 1970s and experiencing action pictures, horror flicks, forgotten B-films, made-for-TV movies, cult classics, and offbeat TV series like Kolchak: The Night Stalker, The New Avengers, and Return of the Saint. Hey, you just read a preview for what you'll see here on Friday nights in the coming weeks!
Rick, This is going to be a lot of fun. Great idea.:)
ReplyDelete"I don't think you fully understand, Bigelow. You've been murdered."
ReplyDeleteRick, I really enjoyed D.O.A., but I completely agree with your assessment that the director was unable to retain the tension from beginning throughout the movie. If he had managed that, he would've had a classic. I also agree with your praises of the characterization of Chester, the factory sequence and the drugstore shootout.
And it's most intriguing to consider the reason(s) that Frank has been poisoned. As you suggested, the manner in which he treats the sweet and kind Paula almost makes him guilty in the viewers' eyes.
Great review, Rick! Thanks!
Great review, as always. I too remember the Friday Late Movie and have good memories of it. I used to love Kolchak too. Darren McGavin (hope I have that right) was wonderful and the stories were so original for that type of TV series at the time. I look forward to further articles.
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun idea, Rick, posting the Friday Late Night Movie! I will only be able to participate the following day, however. Late nights are harder and harder for me to do. :)
ReplyDeleteI remember the first time I saw "D.O.A." as I loved the opening scene! Talk about an attention grabber! I agree with you and Sark about the rest of the movie not being as excellent as one hoped but I do like a whodunnit. Great review!