Monday, February 25, 2013

What's the Movie? (We describe name it!)

Last December, we posted our first quiz of this type (only it was longer). It turned out to be fun and generated a lot of positive feedback. We like reinforcement at the Cafe! We hope this edition turns out to be equally entertaining. The rules are easy: Name each film below based on our (rather) vague description. Be sure to include the question number with your response. Please don't answer all the questions so others can play, too. There is one film that is the single, best answer to each description.

1. You can glimpse Philip Marlowe in a mirror.

2. There's a lot of confusion about the location of a pill containing poison.

3. He hid it in the clock!

4. Dog howls when owner is mistakenly murdered.

5. Bond won't talk; villain wants him to die!

6. Bob Hope's kids look like Bing Crosby.

7. Father kills son with a cane; son is grateful.

8. Ex-convict governess cares for pyromaniac.

9. Accused firestarter woos woman at her father's request.

10. President is kidnapped during a game of golf.

11. John Kennedy thwarts Lincoln's assassination.

12. House guest gives kid diamonds in exchange for a few bucks.

13. It's a sled!

14. Man's scheme revealed because he can't spell "memento."

15. Man lives in doll house.


  1. Great idea, Rick - I should do this with TV sometime! I'll take a couple here, to leave room for everyone else (but also because it's Monday morning and I'm not capable of much more) -

    1. Lady in the Lake
    10. In Like Flint

    Both great movies, by the way. I want that phone from the Flint movies as my ringtone!

    1. Very good! I googled the Z.O.W.I.E. ringtone...and, yes, it can be downloaded.

  2. Some of my faves:

    #6: Road to Utopia
    #7: The Wolf Man
    #11: The Tall Target

    1. Nice! I thought THE WOLF MAN and THE TALL TARGET might be toughies.

    2. "The Wolf Man" is our family's Hallowe'en tradition. Poor Larry!

      I think "The Tall Target" is as fine a thriller as ever came out of Hollywood.

  3. Very fun to read these!!

    2. Laura
    5. Goldfinger
    13. Citizen Kane

    And I also LOVE the phone ring in the Flint movies. :-D

    1. You know, that's the best line of any Bond villain in the entire series.

  4. #3- Laura; #15 The Incredible Shrinking Man; #2 Court Jester

  5. This is a fun one! Here are my guesses:

    1. The Lady in the Lake
    2. The Court Jester
    3. Laura
    5. Goldfinger
    6. The Road to Utopia
    7. The Wolf Man
    9. The Long, Hot Summer
    10. In Like Flint
    11. The Tall Target
    13. Citizen Kane
    15. The Incredible Shrinking Man

    As for the rest [sigh!], I'm stumped...

    Thanks for a real brainteaser.

  6. The Chalk Garden! Of course! Funny, the only title that popped into my head was The Innocents, which I knew couldn't be right -- but at least with Deborah Kerr I was on the right track!

  7. Just a quick summary of questions remaining to be answered: 4, 12, and 14.

  8. 4. Secret Agent
    12. The Day the Earth Stood Still

    I went back and peeked at your January posts because I remembered you had reviewed a Hitchcock film with the dog howling scene but I was unsure about the title. :)

  9. He hid it in the clock: could also be Abbott and Costello's The Time of Their Lives

    1. An excellent point! (That may be my favorite A&C film--albeit a very different one for them.)

  10. The only answer not given is for #14.
