Monday, May 27, 2019

The Three-Word TV Series Game (May 2019)

The concept is the same here as with the Three-Word Movie Game. We will describe a TV series in three words and ask you to name it. Most of the questions below are pretty easy, but there are a few that might pose a challenge. Please answer only three per day so other people can play.

1. Nerd, pill, superhero.

2. Africa, veterinarian, lion.

3. Hotel, card, black.

4. Accountant, spy, lookalike.

5. Magazine, daydreams, cartoonist.

6. Nephew, butcher, architect.

7. Apartment, newlyweds, architect.

8. Gun, riverboat, gambler.

9. Jaguar, detective, opera.

10. Senator, physicians, attorneys.

11. Rich, poor, IRS.

12. Marineville, submarine, Phones.

13. Variety, Crosby, theatre.

14. Games, cars, Kennedy.

15. Songs, McCoo, dancers.

16. Trio, Himalayas, powers.

17. Father, lawyers, son.

18. Cone, shoes, robot.

19. Phone, butler, car.

20. Aliens, architect, finger.


  1. 1. Mr. Terrific
    15. Solid Gold
    20. The Invaders (A Quinn Martin Production!)

    1. Well done! Not many people remember the short-lived MR. TERRIFIC. Plus, bonus points for highlighting a QM Production!

  2. Way to get the brain cells shaking!

    #3. Have Gun - Will Travel
    #10. The Bold Ones
    #13. The Hollywood Palace

  3. 2. Daktari
    5. MY World And Welcome To It
    18. Get Smart

    1. Impressed with getting MY WORLD AND WELCOME TO IT. As I recall, it was a critical success, but that didn't translate into ratings.

  4. 8. Yancy Derringer
    -- Don Effenberger

    1. And to think, Jock Mahoney would later play Tarzan on the big screen!

  5. Replies
    1. Great job on another critics’ fave which didn’t last long.

  6. Still remaining to be answered: 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, and 19.

  7. All right, let's see what I remember from staying up past bedtime in grade school:
    4. The Double Life of Henry Phyfe, a one-season ABC spy comedy starring Red Buttons as a secret agent and his meek doppelganger and featuring a great Vic Mizzy theme song.
    11. The Pruitts of Southampton, another '66 ABC failure that was The Beverly Hillbillies in reverse. Phyllis Diller starred, and another memorable Mizzy theme. It was revamped halfway through as The Phyllis Diller Show.
    12. the mid-'60s Gerry Anderson "Supermarionation" gem Stingray, with undersea spies, robot fish, a mute mermaid and other oddities.

    1. Super job, Al! Not many folks remember HENRY PHYFE and PRUITTS.

  8. I don't know what 9 is, but I'm looking forward to hearing the answer, as that's a show I clearly need to watch, being a huge opera fan.

  9. Replies
    1. No, Honey had a pet ocelot and I don’t think she was an opera fan.

  10. 6-Brady Bunch
    17-The Defenders

    1. Nice job, Kerry! You're right on all three, of course.

  11. OK, so I'm tracking that all questions have been answered except 14. It may be tough, because it wasn't a prime time show.

  12. #14. Split Second, a game show hosted by Tom Kennedy, gave away new Pontiacs as prizes,

    1. Hey, I'm impressed! That was a toughie. I remember the show fondly because there was a chance a contestant could win a car on every show.

  13. That wraps up this game. Thanks to all who played. Let us know if you thought it was fun.

  14. Not only do I remember "Henry Phyfe" and "Pruitts," but I remember the THEME SONGS. (I used to record them on a little Craig reel-to-reel.) "A foreign spy arrives by the name of U-31..." "Howdy-do, howdy-do, howdy-do, my dear / What a lovely surprise, nice to see you here..." Can't remember the date of my parents' anniversary, but I know this...

    1. Would you believe my sister and I also recorded selected TV series themes on a Craig reel-to-reel? We didn't record the HENRY PFYFE theme (though I remember it well), but did record themes from shows like JUDD FOR THE DEFENSE and THE SAINT.

    2. Yeah, and I remember how giddy I got when the same model of tape recorder was used at the beginning of "Mission: Impossible" episodes.

    3. It wasn't "Howdy do, my dear," it was "How'cha do, my dear" as far as the Pruitts' theme song.
