Monday, November 4, 2024

We Name the TV Characters...You Name the Series!

We thought we'd try out a new game this month! For each numbered item below, we have listed three characters from the same TV series. Your task is to name the TV series! Most of these are easy; we tried not to go for obscure characters (at least for this edition). Note that we may have listed a character's first name or last name.

As always, please answer no more than three questions per day so more people can play and have fun. Try not to research your answers as it'd be pretty easy to google the names and get a show's title. 

1. Troy, Hitchcock, Tully.

2. Sam, Howard, Emmett.

3. Sam, Hank, Ralph.

4. April, Mark, Waverly.

5. Tara, Mother, John.

6. Roy, Candy, Jamie.

7. Saunders, Hanley, Caje.

8. Mary Beth, Christine, Bert.

9. Chip, Lee, Harriman.

10. Ward, Colby, Erkskine.

11. Jimmy, Witchiepoo, Freddy.

12. Keller, Stone, Tanner.

13. Tate, McKenzie, Trampas.

14. Pete, Julie, Linc.

15. Larry, Gilbert, Clarence.


  1. In memory of Quincy Jones, I'll kick things off with:

    14. The Mod Squad

  2. Replies
    1. All were memorable characters...but no Eddie!

  3. Here's my last one for today, though I recognize others:

    2) Mayberry R.F.D.

  4. 4. The Girl From UNCLE
    5. The Avengers (The British series)
    13. The Virginian (Not too sure about this one.)

    1. Great job on 4 and 5. You're really, really close with The Virginian for 13, but technically that's not the right answer.

    2. The Men from Shiloh

  5. Replies
    1. "Can't do a little cause he can't do enough."

  6. 9. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Between this show and 20,000 Leagues I wanted my own submarine so badly when I was growing up.

    1. You and me both! I had a toy model of the Seaview.

  7. Still need answers for 6, 8, 10, 12, and 13.

  8. Okay, I'll do two more and complete my allotment:

    10. The FBI (A Quinn Martin Production)

    12. The Streets of San Francisco

    1. Fine job, Al! You can do three per day if desired.

  9. 13. The Men from Shiloh
    8. Cagney & Lacey

  10. Still need the answer to #6 to close out this game!

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, fandex! That wraps up this month's game. Kudos to everyone who played!
